Military Saves Month 2021 Digital Toolkit
- Social Media Teasers
- Done-for-You Social Media Content
- Weekly Themes
- Military Saves Month Events
- Sample Email and Newsletter Content
- Text to Pledge/QR Code
- Resources & Links
- #MSM2021 Participation Challenge
- Sign Up for Military Saves Month
Military Saves Month is a widely recognized national campaign where hundreds of organizations join together to collectively encourage the military community to focus on their individual financial wellness. Over the course of a month we cover money-related topics from a relatable, down-to-earth, positive perspective. Savers end the month with tools, resources, and clarity on their current financial situation, new savings goals, and a realistic plan to achieve them.

The Military Saves Pledge is the central tool that allows Savers to set a goal and make a plan to achieve better financial stability.
Each week of Military Saves Month has its own theme: Save Automatically, Save for the Unexpected, Save to Retire, Save by Reducing Debt, and Save as a Family.
Who can participate?
Military Saves Month participating organizations represent a diverse and impressive coalition of nonprofits, educational institutions, military services, employers, influencers, government agencies, and financial institutions. This outstanding collective serves our community of Military Savers who include service members, military families, veterans, and civilian employees of the Department of Defense. If you’d like to join us for Military Saves Month 2021 as a participating organization, click here.
We’re signed up, now what?
Once you’re officially signed up, it’s time to plan how your organization will show up for the month! This digital toolkit will provide done-for-you social media graphics, resources and tools, sample emails, press releases, and more. Many participating organizations choose to create their own aligned content for the month, host events (both virtually and on-location), and more.
The biggest priority will be having a strategy to reach as many people in your community as possible during the month to maximize impact.
You’ll receive ongoing support and direct communications from the Military Saves Team leading up to and throughout the month!
Social Media Teasers
Build excitement in the weeks leading up to Military Saves Month by sharing these ready-made social media posts with your audience.
Done-for-You Social Media Content
We've made things easy by creating copy and graphics that you can share on your social media channels. Be sure to tag us when you share!
Weekly Themes
Week 1: Launch/Saving Automatically
Hashtags of the week: #SaveAutomatically, #MSM2021
The easiest way to save? Automatically! It doesn’t matter how much or what you’re saving for, when you make the smart decision to have a portion of your income automatically deposited into a savings account, you have increased your chance for success. On this kickoff week--and during the entire month--the focus is on motivating service members, military families, and veterans to take action by saving automatically through split deposit.
As a participating organization in Military Saves Month 2021, make this week successful by:
- Initiating conversations on social media around the topic of “Saving Automatically.” You can do this by sharing the done-for-you social media content provided in the Military Saves Month Toolkit, or creating your own branded content. Don’t forget to use the hashtags of the week! #SaveAutomatically, #MSM2021
- Encouraging your community toward financial action by taking the Military Saves Pledge or re-pledging. Then asking them to set up automatic transfers through their employer or financial institution to achieve their savings goal.
- Download Image (8.5” x 11”)
- Download PDF (8.5” x 11”)
- Download Image (10” x 10”)
- Download PDF (10” x 10”)
Week 2: Save for the Unexpected
Hashtags of the week: #Save4TheUnexpected, #EmergencySavings, #MSM2021
The past year has taught us that we have to be as prepared as possible for the unexpected. While we all have future savings goals, having a rainy day fund to support emergency needs, like a car repair, dental bill, or even a last-minute flight home should be a top priority. This week, we’ll focus on motivating service members, military families, and veterans to prioritize building an emergency savings fund.
As a participating organization in Military Saves Month 2021, make this week successful by:
- Initiating conversations on social media around the topic of “Saving for the Unexpected” and building an emergency fund. You can do this by sharing the done-for-you social media content provided in the Military Saves Month Toolkit, or creating your own branded content. Don’t forget to use the hashtags of the week! #Save4TheUnexpected, #EmergencySavings, #MSM2021
- Encouraging your community towards financial action by taking the Military Saves Pledge or re-pledging.
- Share the Military Saves Spending and Savings tool to aid your military community in getting a clear view of their finances so they can realistically budget for their emergency savings fund.
- Download Image (8.5” x 11”)
- Download PDF (8.5” x 11”)
- Download Image (10” x 10”)
- Download PDF (10” x 10”)
Week 3: Save to Retire
Hashtags of the week: #Save2Retire, #MSM2021
It’s never too soon to prepare for retirement. In fact, the earlier you start to prepare the easier it is to save. Because we know that very few service members, military families, and veterans have a plan for retirement savings that will actually cover their desired lifestyle, during this week we’ll focus on the importance of setting aside time to understand your retirement needs and making a plan to meet them.
As a participating organization in Military Saves Month 2021, make this week successful by:
- Initiating conversations on social media around the topic of “Saving to Retire.” You can do this by sharing the done-for-you social media content provided in the Military Saves Month Toolkit, or creating your own branded content. Don’t forget to use the hashtags of the week! #Save2Retire, #MSM2021
- Encouraging your community towards financial action by taking the Military Saves Pledge or re-pledging.
- Share Military Saves Month resources to aid your military community members in creating their individual retirement action plan.
- Download Image (8.5” x 11”)
- Download PDF (8.5” x 11”)
- Download Image (10” x 10”)
- Download PDF (10” x 10”)
Week 4: Save by Reducing Debt
Hashtags of the week: #ReduceDebt, #PayingDownDebtIsSaving, #MSM2021
It’s time that we recognize that by paying down their debt, service members, military families, and veterans ARE saving! Actively reducing your debt means you’re saving on interest, avoiding late fees, and maintaining or increasing your credit score. This week, we’ll focus on why paying down debt should be acknowledged and celebrated as a form of saving and a component of your financial plan. We’ll also share tips, tools, and resources that will aid your community members in successfully reducing their debt.
As a participating organization in Military Saves Month 2021, make the week successful by:
- Initiating conversations on social media around the topic of “Saving by Reducing Debt.” You can do this by sharing the done-for-you social media content provided in the Military Saves Month Toolkit, or creating your own branded content. Don’t forget to use the hashtags of the week! #ReduceDebt, #PayingDownDebtIsSaving, #MSM2021
- Encouraging your community towards financial action by taking the Military Saves Pledge or re-pledging.
- Share the opportunity to connect your community with a free financial coach or counselor through Military Saves’ partnership with the Yellow Ribbon Network and AFCPE®.
- Download Image (8.5” x 11”)
- Download PDF (8.5” x 11”)
- Download Image (10” x 10”)
- Download PDF (10” x 10”)
Week 5: Save as a Family
Hashtags of the week: #SaveAsAFamily, #MSM2021
How much better would our military community be with money if we empowered not only our service members and veterans to save, but also our military spouses? What if we, as military families, had a plan and developed our strategy together? What if we were intentional about teaching good money and savings habits to our military kids from a young age? This week, we’ll focus on the tangible and intangible ways we can set ourselves up for success as military families, and positively influence and model for our children and teens when it comes to money, spending habits, and saving.
As a participating organization in Military Saves Month 2021, make this week successful by:
- Initiating conversations on social media around the topic of “Saving as a Family.” You can do this by sharing the done-for-you social media content provided in the Military Saves Month Toolkit, or creating your own branded content. Don’t forget to use the hashtags of the week! #SaveAsAFamily, #MSM2021
- Encouraging your community towards financial action by taking the Military Saves Pledge or re-pledging.
- Join our “Save as Family Chat” to meet our partners with the America Saves for Young Workers National Youth Advisory Council and hear from our panel about ways to instill positive savings behaviors at a young age.
- Download Image (8.5” x 11”)
- Download PDF (8.5” x 11”)
- Download Image (10” x 10”)
- Download PDF (10” x 10”)
Military Saves Month Events
Sample Email and Newsletter Content
This document contains sample content for you to share with your community during Military Saves Month via email or newsletter. Feel free to use it as shown, or adapt it for your organization’s specific needs, including appropriate Military Saves Month graphics and videos from this toolkit.
Text to Pledge/QR Code
Text MILITARYSAVES to 877877
Military Saves is now offering Savers the ability to make a commitment to saving via SMS text. Not only is this a quick and simple way to take the Military Saves Pledge, it also takes the burden off of installation financial readiness personnel and other partners who previously collected paper pledge forms and had to enter them manually.
Features of the Text to Pledge
The Pledge consists of a sequence of call-and-response SMS messages between Military Saves and the Saver. No internet connection or data necessary.
Data collected mimics the paper form found online.
After taking the Pledge via SMS, Savers will begin receiving saving reminders, tips, tools, and resources from Military Saves via email and text message.
Installations/partners can customize the messaging their Savers receive.
Military Saves will create custom graphics (see example below) for organizations to use to promote Text to Pledge.
Things to remember:
Message and data rates may apply.
Savers will receive up to 4 texts a month.
All Savers must complete the full text-to-pledge sequence to be added to the Saver database.
Installations/local campaigns will be asked to create a unique keyword to identify their Savers who take the Pledge.
Do you want to request a keyword for your installation? Email us at
NEW! Military Saves QR Code
Another convenient option is to include our QR code, which takes Savers directly to our Military Saves Pledge page. We offer customizable QR codes, which can give your organization credit for signups. To request your QR code, please email us at
Download Image
Download Image
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Resources & Links
Sample Documents
- Military Saves Month Sample Proclamation (Word DOC)
- Military Saves Month Sample Press Release (Word DOC)
Pledge Forms
Military Saves Month Branding Guidelines
Download All PDFs
Contains branding guidelines and weekly theme graphics.
- Download the PDFs (ZIP file, 17MB)
Download All Logos
Contains Military Saves and Military Saves Month logos.
- Download the Logos (ZIP file, 160kb)
Banking Account Checklist
- Download the Checklist (PDF)
Participating Organization Badge
Other Flyers & Graphics
- Download Image (8.5” x 11”)
- Download PDF (8.5” x 11”)
- Download Image (10” x 10”)
- Download PDF (10” x 10”)
#MSM2021 Participation Challenge
Friends don’t let friends miss out on participating in Military Saves Month!
As a participating organization in #MSM2021, we want you to spread the word to your peer organizations and invite them to participate in Military Saves Month.
Simply post the following (or a variation) on Twitter or Linkedin!
Sample Post
We’re proud to be participants of @MilitarySaves Month 2021, encouraging the military community to #save effectively! We challenge:
- (organization)
- (organization)
- (organization)
to do the same! #MSM2021Challenge
Sign Up for Military Saves Month
- Get the Military Saves 2021 participation badge to share on your website and in materials
- Be recognized on the participating organizations list
- Get helpful emails from Military Saves Month staff to help you plan successful activities
Military Saves Month Resources
Military Saves Month 2021 Events
This April 1-30, join us for a free, virtual event that encourages everyone in the military community to focus on their individual financial wellness.